Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Commitment to Fitness (and Chafing!)

First, I would just like to thank everyone who has donated to the cause so far. Even though this is the third time I've done the whole charity ride thing, I continued to be blown away by the generosity of my friends and family. After just one email update, we've already risen $325 toward much-needed services for those living with HIV and AIDS! So thank you again from the bottom of my heart!

I'd also like to give a shout out to Bethany Sims who has joined the Chafing for a Cause team! She's got a great new bike and is using it to chafe for others. Spencer gives her a great introduction, and you can show her some love here!

This last weekend, I was able to get out on a nice little training ride. The weather was great, the traffic was mild and it was just overall, pretty awesome. Mostly, it was awesome because I was able to go out and ride with my Dad! He and my Mom were both in town this last weekend! (And I have to say... I probably gained more weight from all the good food we ate than I lost doing the training ride... and by "probably," I mean: "definitely.")

Because I totally spaced and forgot to take pictures on the ride. I'll have to include a picture from last Fall that I was sent:

Hey... wait a minute... there's waaaaaaaaaay too little lycra in that picture.

Ah, there it is. Much better.

Although, I have to say, while my dad looks quite smashing in his bright yellow lycra Oregon jersey... if you saw him today (and this is really why I should have taken some ride pictures), you might do a double-take.

You see, my Dad made a strong commitment to fitness a year ago... and recently has really started to see some results. So I just wanted to congratulate him on his progress and his commitment, and encourage everyone else to take some time for yourselves, and enjoy the outdoors and a fit lifestyle: it really pays dividends. Whether on a bike or just with a trusty pair of hiking boots, breaking away from the computer screen and getting outside can really brighten your day.

That's basically how this whole project started: I needed an excuse to take care of myself... and like my Dad, I do better with a goal. So I decided on a fitness goal for me, paired with a fundraising goal for others, and one year and about $2,000 fundraised later: here we are.

So, thank you, so much, for your encouragement and support throughout my journey. Congratulations to my Dad for committing and sticking to his own path to fitness. And I would just like to say to anyone considering jumping on the bandwagon (and I know of a few of you reading this who are): it's worth it... and you'll find more support than you would have ever guessed if you just take that first step.

Or you can be lazy like Eddy:

Fix your ear, Eddy!

Sorry... felt like I needed a gratuitous puppy photo in there somewhere. Anywho, thanks again for taking the time to read my blatherings. If you would like to contribute to the cause, you can do so here. As always, you can follow along with the entire Chafing for a Cause team at our blog (you're, uh, already here) at:

Ride Happy,

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