Monday, September 27, 2010

25 Days

There are 25 days until the 2010 Austin LIVESTRONG Challenge Weekend begins. Thus, there are 26 days until Kasey, Hillary and I have to run a 5K. And 27 days until Andrew, Spencer and I have to ride 100 miles (well... 90, but with a 10+ mile warm up so we can say we did a century!)

This is mostly as a public service announcement to myself. The fundamental message is as follows:


This morning at 9 was so nice riding in to work (cool, sunny with a bit of a breeze)... I think I'll be able to find some motivation for some pre-school/work short rides this week.

Also... we're counting down the time left to raise money for the cause. This means I should bring a point-and-shoot on my rides: I find that vaguely disguising "please give me money" emails with pretty pictures and witty anecdotes helps with the fundraising process. So, more of those will be coming shortly.

Happy Riding!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Tour de Florence

When I signed up for the Tour de Florence, a ride through ranch land and vineyards near Georgetown, I meant for it to be a kind of warm-up/gut-check for the upcoming LIVESTRONG Challenge. What I got was an extensive lesson in roadside tube-patching.
Flat #1, 6.4 miles in.
To make a long story short, I had to patch my tube twice.
Flat # 2, 16.4 miles in. I don't know why I am smiling.      

After the second patch, I remounted the tire and it immediately lost air... no worries though! I had another tube in my pocket. A cyclist is always prepared, right?

Not so fast my friend. The new tube's valve stem wasn't long enough for my deep rims and I couldn't pump it up. At this point, the trailing car for the ride showed up and we got a ride back to HQ.
Hitchin' a ride. Hangin' the head.
Lessons learned:
Don't get flats.
Make sure your valve stem reaches beyond your aero rims.
Don't get flats.

I tried to take some other pics, but they aren't real great or anything (we had barely gotten out to the nice country roads):

Two final thoughts:
1) 16.4 miles used to be a decent ride for me, but now it feels like a failure, so that's good, right?
2) I saw the original owner of my bike, so that was neat.